Welcome to the


Regional Patriots


Pittsylvania Regional Patriots (PittPats or PRP for short) covers the Virginia county & surrounding areas of Pittsylvania, the largest in the state. The county itself is comprised of a population of 60,000 people and covers a land mass of 978 square miles.

Like most of the rest of the country, and especially rural areas such as ours, we are fed up with big government (at any level), corrupt politics, and a supposed conservative political party that is anything but conservative (aka RINO). We intend to change all of that starting at the local level, because we are not going to give up the America we once knew!

The organization came into being when the founder & her son discovered corruption in local politics and vowed to do something about it. It has since been growing into the only local entity to make the public aware of this corruption, and teach them how to address various abuses of power.

Meetings are generally once or twice monthly. Topics include local/state current events, various preparedness education, medical alternatives, election integrity and much more! See calendar for upcoming meetings from PittPats, Pittsylvania County, Republican Committee & others.


Let’s continue to support Bob in our never-ending adventure to keep liberty alive!

Good for Congress. Better for Us.

“Bob Good has my Complete and Total Endorsement!” President Donald J Trump

“I have kept my promises to the voters of the 5th District during my first term representing them in Congress, and fought as a true constitutional conservative to defend our nation’s founding Judeo-Christian principles.

For more information & to support Rep. Bob Good, go HERE


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You can just comment by not checking the signup box. By checking the signup box, you'll receive email updates on organizational meetings and training, as well as local Board of Supervisors & School Board meetings, and anything else that affects us in the county / region. Unsubscribe anytime. NOTE - Check your spam folder! Make sure to 'whitelist' us, as many big-tech email services automatically filter us (conservatives) as spam. Need help? See the Whitelist Guide!

Founding Documents